Nick Biskelonis


Nick Biskelonis (he/him)

Where he studied:
BS Marketing, Operations and Supply Chain Management - Marquette University
MBA Marketing Strategies and Planning - DePaul University

What he does at Reset Brain and Body:
Founder & Operations Director

Meet Nick…

Why do you like working in mental health care?
I am passionate about working in mental health because therapy has had a negative connotation for far too long. Actively working to improve your mental health is nothing to be ashamed of; rather, it should be applauded. At Reset, we are redefining how people experience mental health care.

What's something you wish people knew about therapy?
Therapy is for everyone. No matter your circumstance, you can always improve and therapy helps.

Why can people benefit from therapy?
Therapy provides you dedicated time and space to prioritize yourself; no distractions or competing voices, just you and the therapist working on improving YOU.


What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Guernsey Farms Dairy: Birthday Cake

What is your go-to “feel good” song?
You Might Die Trying by Dave Matthews Band

What is your favorite type of music?
Jam band

Other than mental health, what is something you’re passionate about?

Beach or mountains?

Nick Biskelonis

Support TeamAnita Cheung