Posts tagged nonviolent communication
Supporting Children When They Are Experiencing Anxiety

When we connect with our own feelings and needs, we create space within ourselves to be able to give others empathy; to hold space for others; to understand; to connect; to support.

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Finding Balance: Improving Your Life With Mindfulness

Finding balance is not a goal in and of itself, but it is a process. A process that requires us to check-in with ourselves on a regular basis. Without checking in with ourselves, we are unable to be aware of what we can fit into our lives with ease and what we can commit to from a willingly, joyful and authentic place. Checking-in with ourselves aids us in discovering what we would love to have in our lives - what we may be longing for, but are missing.

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How to Build Connection in Your Relationships

By weaving curiosity, empathy, and intentional space into our relationships, we can all experience more connection. When others feel seen and heard, it can inspire them to help us feel seen and heard as well. It is a cycle. We can bring more connection, compassion, and understanding into our relationships and our world.

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How to Build Emotional Intelligence

In today’s society it can be a challenge to slow down. With this challenge comes disconnection from our feelings. Sometimes days, weeks, even months go by without us asking ourselves, “what am I feeling?”, “why am I reacting this way?” or “what’s going on here?”. The more inconsistently and the longer we wait to ask ourselves these questions, the more disconnected from ourselves and from others we can become. Slowing down to connect to our feelings can give us more perspective, help us understand a situation better, and support us in feeling more self-connected.

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