Why Reset Does What Reset Does: TGIF - A June Update from Kerry

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Hi Community,

I spent some time these past weeks asking myself what you all need to hear. One of the reasons I reduced these newsletters is that I want to be most intentional about the information shared. I want to make sure it’s really useful for you. Some weeks, I’m really stuck!

Because, honestly, there’s so much I want to share with you. Part of my responsibility of being the Clinical Director at Reset is that I am always reading, learning, and expanding my understanding of things. My work, outside the therapist chair, is to keep improving the experience for every team member at Reset and thus the client.

So, here’s my attempt to share my latest findings…



We’ve just finished our revised New Clinician Orientation (because yes, we are hiring and expanding to Ann Arbor ICYMI) and I’m so excited to put down, paper to pen (well, computer) the tools and frameworks that we have been using and I have been studying and crafting for 10+ years.

You know those “holistic pillars” we’ve talked about? Some of that comes from my early work in this field. Just understanding, at the basic level, how the tenants of rest, breath, connection, movement, and nourishment are vital to our mental health. These 5 pillars are what make Reset, Reset Brain and Body and are everything to how we approach mental health care.

From there, we have our own mind-body-based cognitive-behavioral model, The Cycle of Stress; our own caregiver-child-family relational model called PACS; and our own take on internal family systems and trauma, The Shame Triangle.

And then we go to the next level, with our Elevated Reset work. Here, we bring in transformative and insight-driven meditation therapy to help clients get perspective from their deepest wounds, reconnect with their inner child, and feel a spiritual expansiveness that heals on many, many levels.


I’ve been really, really grateful to do this work in an innovative and playful way. I cannot imagine anything else. While some in the community may think we’re “woo-woo”, I know that our work is research supported in ways that cannot always be data-driven.

In doing this work, I’ve been able to witness women reconnect with lost loved ones and hear the messages they’ve always needed to hear to help them finally move through their grief.

I’ve sat with clients as they reach into the deepest depths of their memories to observe their most painful experiences with resilience, curiosity, and compassion.

I’ve seen women re-birth, literally, in order to heal from traumatic labors. I’ve seen women finally give way to their true purpose and re-align themselves in courageous ways.

I’ve seen young adults and teens re-encounter hurtful memories and then release the burdens they carry and their internalized limiting beliefs.

I’ve seen men weep, finally able to connect to the pain they’ve buried for so long as they give themselves permission to feel.


When I’m saying “I’ve seen”, I mean it. I truly believe that I am simply a conduit. I know this to be true.

When I take clients through a journey, I am deeply aware that I am just a guide. I take them into their subconscious and then if they are willing, to their unconscious, and then I let them be.

I know that every single person has it within them to heal themselves. I’ve been honored to witness it hundreds of times. It is just with the space I create for them and the words I offer to deepen their internal connection, that they then do the work themselves.

And really, I wish everyone knew this and believed it. As a therapist, we are just the guide. We cannot do the work for you. We’ll offer some suggestions, challenge you a bit and hold space but ultimately, it’s you that determines your growth and healing.

Our Elevated Reset model gets most clients to that deeper space and I’m excited to train our entire team on how to facilitate this transpersonal experience within the confines of a 53-minute insurance session. Yes! Making this deep, deep healing possible for more people because I believe in it so much.

I’m also excited to begin, probably in 2024, offering psychedelic-assisted therapy. This therapy is best suited for treatment-resistant clients - the ones who maybe after 3-5 Elevated sessions still cannot crack through their hardened shells. Unlike medical models, I believe that our Reset therapists can determine eligibility with existing clients who they know would uniquely benefit from this next level. That way, no client goes without the support needed to integrate their experience, and also is properly prepped beforehand.

This therapy can also be highly effective with clients who want a deeper understanding of themselves, their purpose, and their connection to a spiritual realm. I myself have had the opportunity to be guided and am going for the experiential component of my year-long training program next week, and can attest to the profound impact on my life. It’s been studied that psychedelic therapy, done correctly and ethically, can be one of the top 5 most psychologically challenging experiences of someone’s life. I agree and it’s 100% worth it.



So I guess this month, I’m sharing with you my passion and purpose for Reset’s mission. As we expand into Ann Arbor and beyond (yes, there will be more!), I am thrilled to bring our innovative, integrative methods to more people.

The other day I was reflecting on my personal purpose. I had this epiphany that bringing Reset into the world was a part of it, yes, but now I can surrender it. Reset has become much larger than me and now is a part of the co-creation of her employees, clients, and communities. Reset is a life force of her own. I’m grateful to have been the conduit to bring her to life and now she belongs to so many and will be grown with the influence of many who care for her.

While my work with Reset is not done, she’s not mine alone to worry about and nurture. I can surrender to the knowledge that she’ll be taken care of without my force and control. This allows me the space to continue to learn and grow what we can continue to bring through Reset to the world.

In this playful space, I am also here to help my children live out their calling. I believe to my core that children are life living outside of themselves. What I mean by that is that my children are their own unique life force. Just like Reset is. My children are not within my control. And just like each of you, each of us is a unique life force, meant to live wildly and lovingly.

I can do as a parent should and protect their environments as best I can, but giving my children the freedom to be who they are meant to be is my next mission. Because I know my children have big purposes in this lifetime and I want to support them in what their gifts are to bring to this world. As a parent, I must release them so they can flourish in the way they are meant to, which means letting go of my own expectations for how I envisioned their (and my) life.

I can say I’m really excited about this next chapter.

As always, thanks for being here.