TGIF | Embracing the Wisdom of Aging: A Journey of Self-Discovery & Empowerment

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As my youngest son turned four, I reflected on the end of my reproductive years. In a moment of panic, I realized that after childbearing, all that comes next is aging – something that society has weaponized to make women spend too much money in trying to prevent it from showing. Now, while I'm not having another child, I began to explore the next chapter of life with a bit more curiosity, and the transition into perimenopause became a bit of an obsession.

As I delved deeper into researching menopause, I was shocked to discover how little we talk about it despite over 50% of the population experiencing it. It's as if we're expected to accept it and move on without acknowledging the significant physical, emotional, and spiritual changes during this time.

Here’s what I learned:

Menopause is Just a Moment in a Long Journey

Perimenopause, the stage leading up to menopause, can last years, and women often experience symptoms like mood swings, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Without proper education, many women think they're going crazy, just like society has historically told them they are. While menopause is often viewed as the end of something, what if we saw it as a new beginning? A chance to rediscover ourselves, our bodies, and our purpose. Menopause is just a moment in a long journey, a transition that marks the end of our reproductive years but not the end of our vitality, creativity, and wisdom.

Educating Ourselves, Empowering Ourselves

Secondly, understanding my body now is crucial for a compassionate and mindful approach to observing its changes. Inspired by the book Wild Power, I started cycle tracking and discovered the subtle and significant changes my brain and body undergo during different times in my cycle. This self-awareness has made me more gentle and forgiving with myself. Additionally, by educating myself now and staying peri-curious, I can validate my anticipated experiences and prepare for the significant shift with this increased self-awareness.

During this re-discovery, I've realized that my body is a magical, ever-changing landscape. I've developed a deeper appreciation for its wisdom and resilience by tuning into its rhythms and cycles. I've learned to listen to its whispers rather than trying to control or suppress its natural fluctuations. What we resist persists, and this season of life is not to be resisted. It’ll happen whether we like it or not. So why not try and welcome it in with grace?

The Magic of Perimenopause

Thirdly, I've discovered that perimenopause and menopause can be an incredible experience when approached with mindfulness and compassion. Women in this stage of life can blossom into their most authentic selves, free from the relentless demands of younger years. In this stage of life, women often experience a sense of liberation and empowerment. We're no longer defined solely by our reproductive roles, and we're free to explore new passions and pursuits. We've accumulated wisdom and experience, and we're more confident in our voices and choices.

Our Collective Empowerment

However, this journey is not without its challenges. We continually face societal pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards, and we're often dismissed or marginalized by a culture that values youth and productivity above all else. I, too, have been caught up in the Botox craze until finally realizing that aging is a beautiful, natural process. I refuse to be marketed to by companies showing me all the ways I must improve. I believe we naturally improve with age through wisdom and self-reliance.

I'm learning to embrace my imperfections and celebrate my strengths as I continue this path. I trust my body and its wisdom and honor its cycles and rhythms.

Join Me on This Journey

Join me and Mel Sulaver on May 30th for a special women's circle, "Power to the Peri", where we'll explore this divine chapter together. We will share resources and re-establish body trust profoundly and experientially. We'll delve into topics like cycle tracking, self-care, and mindfulness and create a safe space for sharing and growth. This is for the peri-curious or anyone actively in this next season of womanhood.

In this circle, we'll honor the wisdom of our bodies and the beauty of our experiences. We'll celebrate our unique stories and strengths, and we'll support each other in our journeys. We'll remember that we're never alone in this, and that together, we can create a community of love, acceptance, and empowerment.

I hope you'll join us and that together, we can create a movement of women who embrace their power, wisdom, and beauty. By embracing this chapter with grace and education, we can trust our bodies and honor their wisdom, perhaps even making this next one the best season yet.

And this week’s TGIFs…

TOOL - The Red School & Wild Power authors have another wonderful book, Wise Power, that is a beautiful next step in self-discovery.

GRATITUDE—For the partners and men of women whose biology is shifting. Men, I know you may wonder how this newsletter content today is for you, but trust me—the more you understand, the better you can feel during this transition. Empower yourself to be supportive and not fearful of your partner.

INNOVATIONThis article from NYTimes is what initially put me on the research tour. By the end of 2025, 1 billion women will be experiencing perimenopause. Let’s use this chapter to rise up and not let society bring us down.

FEELS - A friend of mine mentioned that she is just now at 40 feeling like she cannot trust her body. Whereas I’m just now trying to establish it, perimenopause can awaken a feeling of betrayal in your body. All feelings are welcome.