Integrative Method: Creative Expression and Art Therapy

Creative expression and art therapy will look different depending on the needs of the individual. We walk with each individual, gently listening and allowing them to guide us in helping with exercises and mediums that suit their unique needs. Through the creative process we maintain fluidity in our approach as a client’s needs and goals shift.  We use various methods and materials in sessions to create an experience that suits each client best.

Creative Expression and Art Therapy can include a variety of techniques and forms:

  • Crafts (using a variety of art materials: pen & paper, paint, clay, etc.)

  • Drawing, coloring and painting

  • Dolls/puppets

  • Blocks or Legos

  • Dance and music

  • Role-playing

  • Storytelling

  • Journaling

  • Board games

Benefits of Creative Expression and Art Therapy:

  • Practice relaxation, release stress and let go of emotional weight without needing to discuss it all

  • Help gain insight and understanding when words cannot

  • Build self-trust and connect to themselves, improve self-esteem, alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduce stress, process and release trauma

  • Express and process emotions in an alternative way if/when you struggle to find the words to do so

  • Connect with oneself on a deeper level, cultivating deeper intuition and inner wisdom

  • When someone is resistant to therapy, creative expression can feel playful, safe and enjoyable

  • Take risks in a safe, supportive environment

Creative expression can be beneficial for children, adolescents and adults. In teens and adults, it may include a lot of role play to help assist them through specific scenarios. Creative expression can also include music or games with the specific intention to help the client relax and get in touch with underlying emotions and difficulties. For teenagers and adults, it allows them to revisit their understanding of the world and their feelings about life events. While in this state, they are able to express and reprocess these understandings in a relaxed, sometimes nostalgic environment.